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Install License from Plugin Window

Applicable Product
A.O.M. Audio Plug-ins version 1.10.3 or later
Last Updated

1. Save ZIP archive attached to license email

  1. Open license email with email client.
  2. Save attached ZIP file to arbitrary place in your computer’s local disk.

Attached ZIP file

2. Extract saved ZIP archive

2.1 Windows

  1. Right-Click saved ZIP archive
  2. Select Extract All... item from popup menu.
  3. Follow extract wizard.

Right-Click saved ZIP archive

Select 'Extract All...' item

Choose target folder

Extracted license file

2.2 macOS

  1. Double-Click saved ZIP archive.
  2. Archive Utility runs and extracts ZIP archive.

Double-Click saved ZIP archive.

Extracted license file

3. Open license installation dialog

  1. Open any plugin window.
  2. Click plugin menu button Plugin Menu Button at the left-top of plugin window.
  3. Select Install License menu. License Installation dialog opens.

Plugin Menu

4. License Installation

License can be installed by any of these two ways.

4.1 Drag&Drop

Drop license file to gray area of the dialog.

4.2 File Chooser

Click Browse File button and choose license file.

License Installation Dialog

5. Check installation result

When installation is complete, plugins shows license information.

License Installation Dialog